Your commentator for this journey is an OIF Veteran and former Military Intelligence Analyst. I'm quickly getting fed up of the Crap that's been going on and often find myself wondering just what the breaking point is going to be before things change.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Campaign funding and compromise

After watching this whole budget mess play out, I see the proof that campain funding is now a problem.  Here's the deal, people/companies with their own best interests pay large amounts of money to get congressmen and presidents elected.  Of course, they expect a return on their investment.  So now you have the people making the decisions (in this case Obama and Bohner) needing to serve the interest of those that paid to get them in office.  Problem: Those paying to get each of them in office have opposing needs.  This wasn't a case of Republicans and Democrats.  This was the case of two men trying to get their financers what they want.  It had nothing to do with the people who voted to put them in office, or even the parties that back them.  When did the best interest of our elected officials become more importaint than those they represent?

Here's the issue.  It costs amazingly large amounts of money to get into the public eye enough to be elected to any political seat.  The average at this last election for the House seats was over $290,000, and the senate topped $2,000,000 according to the NY Times.  Obama in his presidential bid spent $740.6 MILLION.  And how can an average, non-corrupt person who just wants to make things better without being indebted to people with their own interests run for office?  This has really gotten out of hand.  There really needs to be a cap on how much a canidate is allowed to spend.  A reasonable campaign cap is needed, and this would need to include this whole, I'm paying for an ad for this person thing that tends to happen.  Heck, perhaps to save us all the annoyance that comes around election time, ads should be banned and individuals should be held to televised debates only.  That would be one way to cut the crap and save everyone from the annoying mudslinging television bombardment.  Win-win.

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